Monday, May 4, 2015


I did it, guys! I ran my first marathon!

The night before, I could barely sleep.
I was tossing and turning. My nerves were on edge.

I woke up at 5 AM and got dressed.
Forced myself to drink water and eat a piece of toast with some peanut butter.
Pinned and re-pinned my bib.
Made sure I had my runner's gels (which weren't too bad!).
Filled my water-bottle belt.
Tied my shoes.
Prayed my ankle/foot would hold up.
And woke up Drew to drop me off!

I didn't know anyone else running, so it was a lot of standing by myself.
I found a group with a pacer for running the full marathon on 4 hours and I decided to stick with them... for as long as I could. Which, to my surprise, was 17 miles, and then I lost them on a nasty hill or maybe at a fluid station.

I kept pushing. I almost gave up at 20 miles, when I could feel my injured foot pulsing and all of the self-doubt and self-loathing started to kick in.
"You didn't train hard enough."
"You should have worked harder."
"Who are you trying to kid?"
"I don't even really care about this." (<--such a lie!!)
"I can't do it."

I started to walk. I texted my mom. I told her my foot was busted and that I was walking.

She told me I was closer than I think. She told me it was okay to walk if I was hurt. She didn't offer ne an option to quit.
 I started to run again. Slowly. I stopped and walked a few more times.
Those last 6 miles were brutal.
I really thought I might never stop running.

And then, I stepped in a freaking pothole....  right next to the first beer station. (which, AWESOME, even though I did not partake for fear of throwing up.) I really thought I was in hell. But I wasn't.
I kept going.
At 26 miles, with .2 left to go, I saw my cousin Aimee, I heard her screaming my name.
Then I saw my mom out of the corner of my eye start running along the sidelines, screaming like a maniac.

I had seen my parents around mile 5, my Dad yelling and waving.
And then at about 10 or 12 miles, my cousins, the Conlins cheering me on .
And now, finally, the end, and there they were.
Each time, it lifted me up, made me pus harder, made me feel like I was a superhero.
My family was waiting at the finish line. :)

I sprinted (or what felt like sprinting) to the finish line.
And then I iced my ankle.
4:18:38  is my official time, from my start to finish. #GameOnPgh

I am so proud.

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