Thursday, April 6, 2017

Still so heavy.

I keep having this dream. I'm driving home from Mom & Dad's, but I'm younger. Or maybe I'm older. I'm not who I am today. It's nighttime and it's raining, pouring down, so hard that I can barely see the road..... but all of the houses have these ponds in the backyard. And there are helicopters in the ponds. No, actually in them,  underwater, with the thing on top spinning, making small waves, smaller than what they should make. The sound is deafening. They're looking for someone..... Someone is missing. They are looking so hard, and it is such a desperate search, they're in all of the ponds. It has this strange Jurassic Park feel to it.
The thing is, I know that who they are looking for isn't in those ponds. I don't know who it is, but I know that they are gone. I feel a grim and heavy weight in my soul over this, but I don't tell them that their efforts are fruitless. I let them hold onto their hope, even though I know there is no hope. I just keep driving.

I am floundering.
See.... I think, right now, the worst part about grief is when you begin to feel like you should be getting your shit together again.
Has it been too long to be falling apart this way?
I am so lost without you.
I can't concentrate on anything.
I can't breathe.
And I can't fucking feel right, it's like... there't this thin layer of film between me and any real feeling. It's there... but it's like I'm holding it with latex gloves. I can feel it, but I know it's not the real thing. I'm laughing and I am crying and I am raging, but I want to rip these gloves off and touch it with my bare hands.

I don't know who I am without you.
I don't know who I am at all.
I want to reach out but I can't bring myself to actually ask if anyone else feels this way. How could I? I don't want anyone else to feel like this.
 Like a part of me is literally gone, as if a part of who I am has been ripped away and now I am left to question everything I thought I knew.
Like how I knew you were invincible, even when I yelled at you that you weren't.
Like how I knew you would always be there when I needed to call you, even if I wasn't there for you.
Like how when I forgot details about some funny story from when we were little, you would be there to fill them in. Now it's just me, telling a story, not us, sharing a memory.
Like when I thought I might be remembering something wrong, I could always ask you, because you remembered everything.
Like when I thought I was totally fucked, you would always be there to tell me it would work out. And then it would.

But now you're gone, and I just am in total disbelief.... but if I am really in disbelief, then why am I so heartbroken? Why do I cry every night, as quietly as I can, why do I cry in the car, why is your favorite band the only thing I want to listen to, why do I wish I was locked in my room growing up with you across the hall telling me to come out?
Why do I picture you standing here, asking me what's going on, picture you shifting you weight from foot to foot, never standing totally still, and then feel like I have a puncture in my lungs, a slow leak, letting out the air I need to breathe in?
God, I hate this more than I can put into these stupid fucking words that don't mean anything because they aren't bringing you back to me.
And I want to not be mad, and I'm not, but I want to scream at you anyways because I was counting on you, you know? And you fucking let me down.
I'm sorry. Because I hate that I think that, and also because I don't REALLY think that.  I hate that because I let you down so much more and I wish that I could turn it all around, reverse the clock, save you, save you, save you.
When in reality, this probably hurts so much because I always knew you would be there to save me. To say the right thing. To listen to me bitch. To laugh at my kids. To do everything first. To let me know it's not so bad.
And time isn't slowing down, the world doesn't care that I need more time and every day is further away from the last time I saw you laugh, the last time I called you, the last time I laughed at some horrible meme you posted on facebook, the last time I heard you change the words to a song to a version you liked better.
I just don't know how to be without you.
I wonder when I will figure this out.

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