Monday, August 17, 2015

Highlight Reel VS Reality

In an effort to build my business up a little more, I've been adding friends on Facebook & Instagram like crazy. I try to keep up with everyone and see where they're at... making new connections, becoming friends for real with more and more people... It's not a bad thing!
But it sometimes can be hard to remember that everyone is just posting their highlight reels. That their lives aren't as perfect as I perceive them to be. That it's okay for me to be struggling, even with my passions, even with the things I love to do.... Sometimes you just go through tough times, and there's really no explanation, no rhyme or reason as to why you feel like you keep "failing." I put that in quotations because I don't actually think I, or you, are failing during these times, except to maybe be "failing forward."
I have so much faith that this Beachbody business is going to be my family's salvation, our answer to not only a healthier life but to financial freedom. I have faith that this is going to save us from living paycheck to paycheck... from always being one missed payment from having something shut off, our car payment not going through... sometimes having to choose what food we can afford to eat that week.  I "fail forward" a lot though... I'm just working on finding my little spot in the business. I want to help EVERYONE but honestly,.. I don't always relate to everyone.
I am a mom. I am a young adult. I am a massage therapist. I believe in alternative medicine. I believe in eating healthily. I like to garden. I like to workout. I like to laugh.... a lot. I love wine. ;) I totally understand being strapped for cash. I get stress.
I understand grief. I understand deep grief, the kind that doesn't leave you.
But I also have HOPE. Hope in a better life, in an easier way of life. Hope in being able to have my cake and eat it too, if you will.
I want to not worry about bills, I want to always be present in my kids' lives, I want to be able to easily eat organically and not worry about cleaning the house.... I want to be a home owner. I want Drew to be able to stay home with us. I want to take my kids on vacations with just our family.... and not worry the entire time about having enough money to go in case something happens, like a car breaking down or  pipe busting (in our future house).
I have faith & hope that these things will come, as long as I keep working, as long as I am honest about this company, as long as I keep connecting and working and pushing... it may take time, but I believe it will happen.
BUT it is discouraging sometimes when I see others WHERE I WANT TO BE, it is easy to become FRUSTRATED with myself, to think that I SHOULD be there already, that I SHOULD be further ahead than where I am. It is easy to forget that they are posting about their wins, that I'm not seeing the "behind-the-scenes" frustrations and problems and the hard work that they have already put in. It's easy to remember that they were once where I am. And that my reality was once their reality. That I can get there too, if I trust and believe in myself and this company's potential.
I know I just need to keep at it.... and eventually, I'll be there, along with my current and future coaches who join me.
It's already changed my life so much for the better... the friendships, the fitness levels, the way my body has changed, the way I feel, the hope I have now that I never had before.... It can only keep getting better.
And one day, those highlight reels will be mine too, and they will be most of my reality.
I can't wait.

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